Butterfly Magnets
Butterflies along with many other species of pollinators have been in decline in recent years. These insects have a pivotal role in fruit production and keeping the food web in check. To help these insects out while also providing great color, there are a few plant species that are great choices for most landscape beds to help these little guys out. Today I’ll discuss some perennials that may be a bit unruly for some but also provide the best habitat for butterflies.
The most important plant for Monarch Butterflies is milkweed. These plants provide a good habitat for every step of the butterflies life, from the caterpillar eating the leaves, to their chrysalis stage being anchored to the branches, and the adult stage feeding on the flowers. The common milkweed is true to name, its pretty weedy and can spread if not kept managed. The species I would recommend is the Butterfly Milkweed (Asclepias tuberosa). This perennial stays pretty short, 1-2 ft high, and doesn’t spread like its cousin. This native plant has all the benefits without the downsides, and is a great addition for a butterfly garden.
Along with milkweed, the butterflies enjoy the nectar from many other plants. The best alternative to milkweed is Joe Pye Weed. This tough perennial enjoys low lying areas that get lots of water, but isn’t picky and can make a home just about anywhere it can get some sunshine. The standard species can get a bit too big for most landscape beds so luckily there is a dwarf version called “Little Joe”. This variety stays in the 3-4 ft range and can be easily managed.