Butterfly Magnets
Butterflies along with many other species of pollinators have been in decline in recent years. These insects have a pivotal role in fruit production and keeping the food web in check.
Unique Leaves
When walking down the rows and rows of trees and shrubs at a nursery, consider a look at the foliage of the plants a bit more closely. Most shrubs and trees have one or two seasons of color and the rest of the time are plain green, why not get something that stands out?
Pavers, Flagstone, and Concrete – The Best Choices for under your Feet
Creating a new patio for your backyard begins with choosing the floor. The colors from the patio and the texture can really enhance the materials used elsewhere and the colors matching throughout.
First Signs of Spring
The weather may still be cold and all the trees and shrubs still bare of leaves, but that doesn’t mean we have to wait a few more months for flowers to emerge. This article will discuss a few of my favorite perennial plants to use for early spring color.
Bulbs and Corms – The Spring Color Starter Pack
With spring right around the corner, bulb displays in stores will start to arrive. Today I will discuss a few of my favorite bulbs and some unique choices to pick next time you are looking for some great easy spring color.
Color Beneath Your Feet
Groundcovers are low-growing perennials, sometimes rooting down and spreading to cover bare soil. The ones I will discuss today are a few I have experience using in landscapes, they have exceptional qualities and great hardiness for our unpredictable climate and are all evergreen to promote winter interest.
Versatile Evergreen Shrubs for Lively Winter Landscapes
While most plants go dormant in the winter, evergreens stay strong and survive the winters with unique features not common on other plants. Using a sprinkling of evergreens in a landscape will provide some good color coverage and diversity in an otherwise bleak season.
Evergreen Trees – The Frame for the Painting
Dark olive-green color in the snowy cold winter is possible with an evergreen or two in your landscape. In this article I’ll discuss a few great compact species of evergreen and how to use them effectively in the landscape.
4 Seasons of Color out of only Shrubs?
Shrubs are the core of most landscape beds, they anchor between trees and provide size and color where a tree would be too big, and a perennial too small. The shrubs in this post will be native shrubs that will do excellent in our climate yet are overlooked in the nursery.